Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Here's what's happening!
Christmas Angels is available and on sale at all three stores!
Gingerscraps Oscraps MyMemories
Save 30-50% through January 5th.
Christmas Angels by ADB Designs is a beautiful, vintage collection that's wonderful for Christmas scrapping - will your child or grandchild participate in a pageant with Angels? Will you go to Christmas Eve service? Or do you just have a love for Angels? Then this collection is perfect for either secular or religious use.
Radiant Day is still on sale!
Gingerscraps Oscraps MyMemories
Save 30-50%, but only through December 29th.
It's Retirement Time at MyMemories!
Save 65% on 89 products through December 30th.
Don't forget to pick up this week's Share The Memories Gifts from MyMemories!
These are available only through Sunday!
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